Randek Complete System

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Product description

Complete System in Brief

  • An advanced system for production of insulated walls
  • CAD/CAM-controlled
  • Automatic set-up of machines, enables production of changing wall height, wall thickness and wall length without reducing the capacity due to time wasting manual set-up.
  • Automatic squaring of wall element, grippers pushes the wall element against end-stops and then the wall is clamped with a motorized clamping function automatically.
  • Automatic production processes, splicing of top and bottom plate, stud feeding, stud nailing, sheet/board processes: nailing, nail pushing, drilling, milling, sawing, nailing of cladding.
  • Clear graphical operator instructions at each station on a computer screen.
  • Automatic insulating handling system eliminates waste and handling of insulation in the production area. Automatic transport, cutting, gluing and feeding of insulation.
  • High security level, safety mats between stations and light beams and run-over protection at the nailing bridges.
  • Automatic transport system between stations with frequency controlled motors for high transport speed and non-damaging start and stop. Plate-top chains for possibility to reverse also very heavy wall elements.
Bliss & Reels